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Superior Health and Fitness Workout Plan at Home For Fat Loss

One of the key ways to design a superior health and fitness workout plan at home is to incorporate lots of whole body lifts. These lifts train a large majority of your body at once. When you train a lot of muscle at once, you release two fat burning hormones: human growth hormone and Testosterone.In addition to releasing these fat burning hormones, you’ll be able to boost your metabolic rate. Your metabolism is a measure of how fast your body burns calories. Hence, the faster your metabolic rate, the more fat you’ll burn. You can actually start enjoying some of the foods you love to eat without worrying about gaining fat.Some examples of whole body lifts include Dumbbell Cleans, Snatches, and Swings. What I do take these lifts and develop extremely high intensity workouts. With these workouts, I’m actually burning fat and building muscle at the same time. This works because when your heart rate is higher than 75% of your maximum, your workouts start feeling like cardio workouts.In reality, cardio is just all about raising your heart rate. But why do we need to stick to traditional cardio movements such as running and cycling? Instead, turn your typical dumbbell workouts into cardio dumbbell workouts and watch fat melt off your body.Ever since I started training with high intensity dumbbell workouts, my metabolism has been on overdrive. And as long as you stay consistent with your training, you will see results. But, just as everyone else, sometimes I start to get bored with my workouts.The key is to keep switching it up with unique and difficult exercises!